How do sales professionals make you feel?

Angry. Uncomfortable. Disgust. Contempt. Happy?

What if sales was a profession where the buyer consistently felt good about their experience with the seller? Imagine a world where buyers come off a call or meeting, feeling energized and excited about the product or service they just purchased.

One of the things we are fighting against in order to redeem our profession is that, historically, sales has felt bad to the buyer. The buyer's body contracts with the sales professional approaches, their countenance falls, and they leave the interaction with the seller with a bad taste in their mouth.

The other day, I bought a driver and three wood from a sales professional Brian MacDuffee at Callaway Golf. I've used him in the past and consistently come back to him because of his approach to selling me his product. In our most recent conversations, he did three things extremely well.

1. He made our conversation personal. He called me "his guy", which was a soft way of saying, "I am going to take good care of you."

2. He asked the right questions to assess which product would be the right fit for me. Not too many questions, but the right amount to understand what would be the right clubs for my game.

3. He made me feel good.

Towards the end of the conversation, I had committed to buy both a driver and a three wood and was thinking about one more club. He actually stopped me and said, "Why don't you hold off on the other club and see how you feel about these before we get you another." That gesture was small but significant. What he was communicating to me is, "I have your best interest in mind." I walked off the call feeling so good about what I had received and not only what I had received, but my experience in getting it. As a result, I'm going to buy more clubs from him and will certainly recommend him to my friends and family if they are in the market for clubs. He has earned a customer not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. How much is that worth to you?

How do you ensure that buyers feel good about their experience with you?

Torrey Pines - Hole #5

If you are in San Diego, come join me for a round at Torrey Pines! My happy place :). And email Brian if you are in the market for some new clubs:


"I tell my sales people all the time to take the money out of the equation."


How do you get your prospects to contact you rather than you contacting them?