About Integrated Sales Solutions
Rethinking, reframing, and redeeming sales
Who I am
I am a husband, father, son, brother, and friend whose work in the world is to empower individuals and organizations to see and do sales differently.
I have spent most of my professional life in business development for small to medium-sized companies. My background in sales and sales leadership includes tenures with start-ups and multi-million dollar companies, and my experience has allowed me to work with a variety of decision-makers across the healthcare, non-profit, and commercial sectors.
Throughout my career, friends and colleagues have approached me about helping them grow their businesses or organizations. They needed sales help at a reasonable rate for a short time to help them accelerate the growth of their business. Starting a fractional sales solutions-focused business would allow me to help them in ways I was not able to in the past.
Keith Carson | Principal
Why I am
Sales is broken.
We have lost the created goodness of the sales profession and its value in our society. The years of manipulative tactics and self-serving strategies to overcome objections from the buyer have accumulated to create the negative perception we all have of sales professionals.
I want to help rethink, reframe, and redeem sales.
I want to help individuals and organizations see sales as good.
I want to help individuals and organizations see the greater purpose of sales in our society.
I want to help individuals and organizations see and understand their responsibility to the buyer when selling their products or services.
I want to help individuals and organizations see the good they can do in the world by seeking the welfare of their customers.
Sales is broken. We have lost the created goodness of the sales profession and its value in our society.
Where I am
At Integrated Sales Solutions, LLC, I work with mission-driven businesses and organizations by helping them develop healthy sales professionals and high-performing sales systems and teams.
Companies need to grow to survive and thrive. The problem is that, in most new businesses, the executive team is being pulled in a thousand different directions. The urgent demands on their capital often inhibit the ability to invest in a sales leader with the skill set and experience to help them sell their product or service into the marketplace.
Simply stated, most new and growing businesses do not have the money or bandwidth to hire the talent they need to accomplish their goals. For the right company, I provide sales leadership solutions for the short term while helping you build your sales system and team to sustain your growth for the long term.